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"Read *This* Article and Learn HTML!"

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John Delavera

John Delavera
Copyright(C) 2003 by John Delavera for the TurboReferer Newsletter - http://turbozine.com You can post this article in your ezine or newsletter; be sure not to remove this Resource Box. http://software4profit.com/som

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- ALL HTML documents are consisted of TAGS.
- A TAG is a command that is included between these symbols: this: < and this: >. Thus, if the command 'open the door' was an HTML tag then it'd have this format: <open the door>

Note: For the rest of this article I am going to use these signs [ and ] instead of < and >. I am doing this because if you send this article via email in HTML format then the code displayed here will not appear (especially if you're an AOL user.)

- ANY tag starts/opens with [taghere] and ends/closes with its TWIN [/taghere]. The difference is the slash / that denotes the end of the tag, the end of WHAT THIS TAG does.

- ALL tags DO something to the text included between them.
What [taghere] does to your text finishes with [/taghere]... With the TWIN tags if a tag appears and its TWIN tag doesn't, then we have a problem in code. If you want to apply more than one style to the text placed between the TWIN TAGS, then you must open and close the TWIN tags in a row. For example, open 1st tag, open 2nd tag, type your text, close 2nd tag, close 1st tag. For example:

[b][/b] stand for BOLD
[font color=red][/font] stand for RED LETTERS

So here is your code:
[b][font color=red]I want to succeed.[/font][/b]

- ALL HTML documents start with [html] tag; thus they end with its twin [/html]

- There are some tags that constitute a family and follow an hierarchy.


Visualize a room and this scenario:
- Grandfather comes in first and leaves the room last.
- Your Father comes in after your Grandfather and leaves the room before him.
- You are appeared last but you leave first.

This is how the "TABLE FAMILY TAG" works.
[table] = Grandfather comes in.
[tr] = Father comes in.
[td] = You comes.
Your Text here...
[/td] = You leave.
[/tr] = Your Father leaves.
[/table] = Grandfather leaves.

Do you want another child in that family above?
Add [td][/td] before </tr> and you have another cell!


The 'UL' tag that stands for a "bulleted list" and OL tag that stands for a "numbered list". How do they work:
UL comes, then LI appears. All LI end, then UL disappears too.

Here is a bulleted list for your web page:

[li]bullet one[/li]
[li]bullet two[/li]
[li]bullet three[/li]

Replace 'ul' with 'ol' and you have your numbered list:

in your HTML document need a tag too.

- [br] stands for the BREAK.
- [p] stands for the PARAGRAPH tag.
- Tip: 1 [p] = 2 [br]= [br][br]

The ALIGNMENT in your document can be defined inside the [p] tag. Normally, you don't need to close the [p] tag with a TWIN [/p]; the only exception is when you want to control the alignment of your text. The syntax is this: [p align=ALIGNMENT][/p] Replace ALIGNMENT by center or left or right.

- You can define your own TYPE of FONT. This is the syntax of the FONT TWIN TAG: [font face=YOUR STYLE]text here[/font] Replace YOUR STYLE, by Times New Roman or Verdana or Arial. You can also include the COLOR of the font inside that tag: [font face=YOUR STYLE HERE color=red]Your red text here. [/font] Try it with some other basic colors: green, yellow, blue. You can also define the SIZE of the font inside that tag: [font face=YOUR STYLE HERE color=red size=1]Your smaller text here.[/font] Try it with sizes 2 and 3.

- There is a CERTAIN template for ANY HTML document.
Here is the philosophy of the code first:

- Open an HTML document.
- Open the HEADER section. Everything in that section will not be displayed on the web and for that reason ALL the tags in that section - except from the title tag - should include the word META. For the HTML document, META means, "Do not display this data on the web but instead use this tag for sending information to the Search Engine Robots about the identity of this specific web page."

- Close the HEADER section.
- Open the BODY section. Everything in this section will be visible on the web.
- Close the BODY section.
- Close the HTML document.

That is the structure of ANY web page on the Net. And here is the code:

[title]My title here[/title]
[meta .....tag here]
[body]Everything you want here

That's your HTML document!
If you like what you've read read also about the BACHELOR META TAGS, and how your web page can be Top listed to Search Engines. Just visit my Newsletter's Archive: http://turbozine.com
and read Issues 42 and 43.

To your success!
John Delavera

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