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Tips for Avoiding Red Xs in Email: A Whitepaper from Performance Communications Group

July 2, 2007; 10:04 AM
Two years ago, you would open an email and see an image; today you see a Red X. This can reduce the effectiveness of email messages and force the subscriber to take an extra step to view the image. Performance Communications Group (PCG), a Chicago-based interactive marketing agency, has developed a whitepaper that provides instructions on how email marketers can avoid the Red X. The whitepaper, The Big Red "X: Methods to Move Beyond Email Roadblocks and Improve the User Experience, is available for download free at http://banners.isat-tech.com/html/main.isx?sitesec=

Email is evolving to include advanced features, such as multimedia. While these features can make email more interesting and effective, they also open the door to adware, spyware, phishing and viruses. To curtail their spread, email systems and providers have pre-empted the use of advanced email features, leaving a red X where the content was, said Scott Madlener, executive vice president, interactive strategies at PCG. While this is done in the name of safety, it is forcing email marketers to take a giant step backwards.

The whitepaper offers best practices for optimizing emails without being restrained by preprogrammed email default settings. These tips include:

1. Don't rely on images or multimedia for primary messaging. Many emails include images to ensure fonts are rendered as the sender intended. Instead of text, the reader may only see a red X.

2. Manage Visual Assets. When building an HTML email with images or multimedia, combine as many objects in one to reduce the total number of Red Xs seen by a viewer with images off.

3. Trim Down Tables. Dont use tables for large header images or media, as pre-allocated table space will be maintained causing the text to fall below the fold. Even though multimedia should not be in a table, set the height and width settings for the object, as scaling to 100 percent may reduce the actual size, making it too small to view in a preview window.

4. Keep the Code Simple. Complex JavaScript and CSS for formatting generally are not supported. Instead, use inline styling, multimedia or standard HTML to achieve the desired affect.

5. Dont Hide the URL. Always present the URL to which a link will go, rather than hiding the URL behind a "click here" statement. Most email service providers change links for tracking purposes, so the replacement links will expire over time.

6. Remember Fundamentals. Make certain to include a link to "view as webpage" and "add to address book" within the copy.

7. Reduce Animation. When using multimedia, file size is of the essence. Reduce your HTML source code, optimize embedded objects and avoid attachments.

About PCG

Performance Communications Group (PCG) brings together technology, strategies and services to support a broad range of online advertising and sales efforts. PCGs Internet Secured Application Technology (ISAT) is an evolution in online advertising that radically improves the relevance and usefulness of banners for businesses and consumers. Companies such as Whirlpool Corporation and Sysco Corporation have improved their communications and driven meaningful ROI utilizing PCG solutions and strategies. PCG is based in Chicago. Additional information can be found at http://www.epcg.net.



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