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A1-Web-Design.co.uk Says Many Businesses are Failing to Consider Internet Marketing When budgeting for Web Presence

June 21, 2007; 06:25 AM
With overall ecommerce revenue increasing at a steady rate, businesses large and small are aiming to allot additional resources to ensuring they have an advantage over their competitors, and establish a strong web presence as early as possible. Despite this, many business owners are of the belief that they simply have to commission a website design and visitors will come, when in actual fact they should also be budgeting for internet marketing.

Bruce Abbott, Managing Director of A1 Web Design (www.a1-web-design.co.uk) comments: "The internet provides many opportunities for businesses to leverage their web assets through exposing them to direct media channels. In today's increasingly competitive internet landscape, simply building a website is not enough - companies have to have a marketing strategy through which they can expose their website to targeted traffic looking for the products and services that they provide. Our company provides a search engine optimization service, where we deploy tactics which places our client's website at the top of search results for phrases that indicate a shopper could be looking for their offerings. Through truly leveraging our client's web assets to create revenue streams, we feel we are delivering an ancillary service which offers real value and returns from having a website."

A1 Web Design (www.a1-web-design.co.uk) notes that not all businesses are managing to harness the web to their full advantage. The reason for this is that they are merely budgeting for the overheads associated with building a website, and therefore have no additional resources with which to spend money on services, such as search engine optimization, which will drive traffic to the website that they commissioned.

Bruce Abbott suggests that "through failing to budget enough for the web, businesses are failing to comprehend the true value and scalability that it offers. In the offline world a retail business may be willing to pay a six figure sum for property alone, however in the online world the start-up costs are much less. Further more in the offline world businesses may have scalability issues because they are ultimately restricted to trading within the geographical confines of where their shop is situated - on the web you can expose your website to billions of people throughout the world. We aim to communicate the advantages of internet marketing to our clients; however the choice of whether to leverage this ultimately falls on businesses.

About A1 Web Design:
A1 Web Design (www.a1-web-design.co.uk) provides web design consultancy services for clients across Europe and throughout the world. Based in London UK, www.a1-web-design.co.uk employs staff with experience in a wide array of web design, ecommerce and internet marketing disciplines. The company can also provide websites on a content managed platform; allowing non-technical admin staff to alter price points and make changes to their website as inventory becomes available or goes out of stock.



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