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SearchBoth it! Offers Google and Yahoo Search on the Same Page

June 14, 2007; 05:55 AM
Breaking news, Google and Yahoo have joined forces! YellowPages Corporation, owned by AT&T (NYSE:T), has come up with a tool that allows you to use both search engines at the same time. Its called SearchBoth.ca and its a cooperative partnership between Google, Yahoo and AT&T.

When you type in your related search words, SearchBoth.ca will give you the results from Google and Yahoo in a split screened frame, side by side. What this means is that you can look at both search engine results at the same time to find out the best and most relevant search find. This is pretty interesting in the fact that you can more or less compare the different priorities of search results on both Google vs. Yahoo and based on your needs, you may be able to find the one you like the best. For example, I did a search on Yahoo and found that the Yahoo search engine displayed more of Yahoos products whereas Googles results displayed more of Yahoos news on the front pages.

I like this tool, as I can have the best of both worlds and not depend on Google too much. Although Google is the best search engine out there, lets not forget Yahoo isnt too shabby either. I believe it works best for people doing research as it gives you more variety based on two different search algorithms.

I am always for tools that make peoples life easier and SearchBoth.ca is truly a relief. Im certain a site like this will come in handy for students, lawyers, or anyone that does a lot of online searches. The developer also was the first to aggregate all of the comparison shopping sites all on one page and called it DiscountMore.com, the first of its kind.

SearchBoth has also launched in the UK, US, and Australia with SearchBoth.co.uk, SearchBoth.com, and SearchBoth.com.au respectively. The company is currently working on adding other search engines like Ask and MSN along with others as an option. The user can select any two search engines and view them side by side. Google and Yahoo would be default.

Why search one when you can search both? So go ahead, try it out ... SearchBoth it!



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