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Squiz to Demo v3.10 of MySource Matrix at the IMS show

November 17, 2006; 09:22 AM
Squiz today announced that it will be demonstrating the latest release of it's enterprise-class open source CMS, MySource Matrix, to Internet Publishers at the Information Management Solutions Show at London's Olympia, 28-30th November.

Version 3.10.0 of Matrix contains over 90 new features relevant to Internet Publishers, and is the result of joint open source development work with Future Publishing, Mercator Media and Infoconomy that has been channeled back into the core CMS product.

New features include:

* Improved administration control of larger sites, via a new dual Asset Map interface

* New personalization features, such as:

......A new Tagging Asset to automate the generation of page-related and personalized content listings, which help you to easily up- and cross-sell users on to different products, services and/or information.

......A new Online CRM Asset to deliver personalised navigation experiences and advertising, based on a user’s activity within a site

* Improved site caching system, to deliver faster performance for complex and/or high traffic volume sites

* New bulk content import tools to help content authors to upload and/or archive large amounts of data more quickly and easily

* A new Supplier Directory Asset to enable publishers to create and maintain a searchable, subscription-based directory that can showcase contributing brands, services and products

* Tighter integration with Matrix's Bulkmail module, to enable more seamless management of email campaigns, such as newsletter and promotional mailings, as well as subscriber databases, all as part and parcel of your core site production.

Squiz will also lauch a new white paper at the show, entitled "Communications 2.0." Authored in association with PR giant, Text100, the paper focuses on the challenges and opportunities offered by 'Web 2.0' for professional publishers, marketers, and communicators. It will also dispel some of the common misconceptions surrounding the '2.0' bandwagon, and offer best practice advice on how to communicate better on the web using key '2.0' technology concepts.

In addition, Squiz will be announcing the successful completion of at least one major new internet publishing project for a major global firm, as well as new systems for a variety of UK brands such as The Bunker.

"We're really looking forward to the event," said Squiz Director, Steve Morgan. "A key focus for us this year will be with internet publishers, an industry in which MySource Matrix is fast becoming the defacto open source CMS standard. As such, we have some great news for these guys - a slicker, more fit-for purpose system in v3.10, some awesome reference projects that we've just completed, and a variety of best practises that we've transfered into valuable assets such as white papers and articles. We're keen to show them that in today's 'Web 2.0' world, Matrix is the least risky and most cost-effective way of introducing new services to new audiences. Open source means quicker, faster, cheaper, but with Squiz as a partner, our publishing clients also benefit from important things like 24 hour support, training, and SLA’s to keep their systems running round the clock."

About MySource Matrix for Internet Publishers

Squiz has created a way of helping internet publishers conquer new web audiences without financial risk. The trick lies in 'open source software,' and its licence-free CMS, MySource Matrix. Using Matrix, Squiz has already helped firms such as Future Publishing to:

* Make money through new services, such as interactive content and advertising

* Stay closer to readers through new user-generated channels, such as blogs

* Monetise more content through social bookmarks and user comments

* Reduce the cost of doing all of the above

MySource Matrix gives you control over your sites, ensuring you won’t need to rip and replace when 'Web 3.0' comes around. And, because it's open source, you can use the innovations we build for other publishing clients, free of charge.

About Information Management Solutions 2006

If information is important to your organisation then Information Management Solutions is the event for you. IMS is a new event for business, information and IT professionals needing to drive business performance through effective information management.

IMS is FREE to visit so register now for your entry pass. The event takes place at London's Olympia on November 28-30th 2006. For further information, see: http://www.ims-show.co.uk.

About Squiz

Squiz's open source CMS, MySource Matrix, helps leading organisations such as the UK's NHS and the Australian Federal Government to manage their content more efficiently and cost-effectively. It also helps top brands such as Future Publishing and Warner Music to sell more content and products to more customers via the web.

Squiz is a privately owned company, founded in Sydney Australia in 1998. Squiz has an international network of offices in Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Hobart and London that provide a local service to hundreds of clients across a broad spectrum of industries. Our open source CMS MySource Matrix is internationally recognized as best in class (Gartner).



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