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New Blogging Tool Terapad Launched


Thursday, September 7, 2006; 09:30 AM

The booming blogging market finds a newcomer as Terapad.com (http://www.terapad.com) got out of private beta and launched on September 6th.

"What we're offering is truly game-changing" says Stephan Tual, CEO. "Blogging has been technologically very active recently, but feature-wise it's been completely stagnant. We've capitalized on this and added all the features of major corporate websites to the blogging equation." Indeed the feature list of the London-based 'do it yourself' service appears never-ending: online shop, discussion forums, image gallery, job search, and even integration with a host of big-name third party services, such as Google Analytics and Paypal. This certainly isn't your average blog.

The service is offered for a flat monthly fee. Individuals or companies select the features they wish to use (or not) on their site, at no extra cost. Each site or blog requires no technical knowledge to setup, as Terapad.com hosts and monitors everything at their datacenter, 24/7. Providing a wealth of features while staying simple to use has been the number one priority of the service - all the latest buzzword technologies are present, yet you'll be hard pressed to find any acronym soup on the friendly control panel.

The cost is $18.00/month - less than most ISP's hosting fees - and the Terapad.com team certainly think users will make the switch. From professional video bloggers wanting to monetize their content to graphic designers reselling the service, the user base is exceptionally varied. The company's outspoken CEO is enthusiastic about their aggressive 'first to market' approach: "Our goal was to appeal to the widest possible audience, here and now, while the rest of the blogosphere argues whether or not we live in the 'Web 2.0' area. Terapad.com is about delivering what the mainstream wants, and staying agile in order to deliver it today."

Users are given full access to their site look and feel and can upload any type of media, including videos and music files. The provided templates are usually enough, but more advanced users will be pleased to know they can create brand new visuals from the ground up using standards and accessibility compliant CSS code.

The 2 years old company is self-funded and according to its founder, already profitable. "We already have some high profile clients, and the technology we're launching today under a subscription model has proven itself for more than a year. It's rock-solid enterprise software made available to power bloggers and SMBs."

Terapad is currently offering a 30 days free trial period at http://www.terapad.com/





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