hear2.0 U.S. Study Shows That Online Radio Listeners Prefer Specialized Websites over Their Local Radio Station Websites by a Wide Margin
WebKnowHow Among those Americans who have listened to streaming Internet radio,
40% do so at specialized sites such as Live 365, Launchcast, or Yahoo
Music, many more than listen to online radio at local or distant radio
station sites. Further, online radio usage of these specialized sites
is dramatically higher than for radio station sites among persons
12-34. In total, 40% of online radio listeners say they've tuned in a specialty Internet radio site, while 26% said they had listened to local radio stations online and 22% reported listening to websites of distant stations. Usage of specialized Internet radio sites was dramatically higher than local or distant radio sites among persons 12-24, marginally higher among persons 25-34, and in a dead heat with local and distant radio over age 34. hear2.0 Executive Vice President Harve Alan commented, "These statistics indicate a usage for established online brands over brands that may not have fully committed to an online streaming presence. This was a national study, and many stations are still not taking seriously the opportunities for online radio. Broadcasters should be alarmed at the strong usage of non-terrestrial radio online options among persons under 35. This is both a threat and an opportunity for local radio, and now is the time to act." hear2.0 (www.hear2.com) is an audio strategy company specializing in spotting trends for all audio entertainment and information media, including radio, satellite radio, Internet radio, and more. |
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