A Brief History of UNIXBrief History of UNIX
An introduction and history of the Unix OS by the folks at O'Reilly's. |
Basic UNIX
Unix is the preffered operating system of most Perlers, and here you will get to know as much as you can ever hope for in 20 minutes! |
Introduction to UNIX for Web Developers
Covers essential commands as well as advanced tools. |
Learn Unix by Example
Excellent guide for learning the Unix OS. Examples for many common tasks. |
UNIX Command Summary
A small list of basic Unic commands. |
Unix for Dummies
Good introduction to the UNIX OS. Simple explanations and examples to get you started. |
UNIX-Getting Your Feet Wet
Good basic introduction, contains some information specific to the University of Chicago. |
UNIXhelp for Users
Includes secitons on shell scripting and managing processes. |