Web Video - Why It Works
by Peter Johnson | September 11, 2007 |
One of the newest and most effective ways in which an individual is able to market their product or service online is via web video. The obvious comparison is the similar attention received from television- we are drawn to moving imagery over static imagery. Web video is effective, inexpensive and catches the attention of the viewer whether they mean to be engaged or not.
To VOIP or not to VOIP- that is the question!
by Dottye Blake | July 26, 2007 |
VOIP or Voice over Internet Protocol is plausibly one of the most radical advances in the telecom industry. Thre are both benefits and drawbacks to the technology. |
Podcasting Do's and Don'ts
by Sharon Housley | March 14, 2007 |
Consider following these simple podcasting tips to get the most from your podcast and make it stand out from other podcasts in the crowd. |
What is a Video Server?
by Wes Fernley | February 21, 2007 |
This article discusses the question, "What is a Video Server?" It will explain what these devices are used for and how they are beneficial. |
Digital Rights Management (DRM) - Do You Need to Protect Your Audio or Video Streams from Theft?
by Cathy Linderman | December 07, 2006 |
Digital Rights Management (DRM) can protect your streaming files across the internet by adding rules of usage to your files. With audio and video files being added to websites many owners are now concerned how those files are being used by others that access them. |
Introduction To Codecs And VoIP
by Masni Rizal Mansor | October 02, 2006 |
VoIP stands for Voice over Internet Protocol. It is the science behind transmitting audio over the Internet in the form of data Packets. |
Web Video Made Simple
by Bob Dean Stanford | September 20, 2006 |
You may have noticed that a large number of websites are now featuring videos, everything from music videos, to online training. |
Combined Hot Multimedia Practical Tips
by Lala C. Ballatan | March 15, 2005 |
A simple sound solution
A technique for playing sound and music through JavaScript in Navigator. |
Adding Koan to your website
Shows how to add Koan music pieces to a Website. |