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AIR Cookie Generator

Automatically set an invisible, remote cookie from another website, without alerting or annoying your surfer.

Alert Button

Click on a button and an alert box appears with a message.

Alerts @ The JavaScript Source

JavaScript Buttons -- These scripts all deal with JavaScript Button Effects. There are some really neat buttons you can use on your page.

Always on top message

This is a TV-like message script that creates an "always-on-top" message, centered at the bottom of the surfer's screen. Use it like its used on TV- to advertise your products, or anything else that requires special attention.

Analog clock script

This script harnesses the power of VML in IE 5 to create a VML analog clock. The clock can be displayed anywhere inline on the page, and both it's size and coloring can be modified. Degrades well with all browers.

Andy's introductory JavaScript tutorials

JavaScript tutorials for people with no prior programming experiences

Auto Email

This JavaScript will help you to e-mail anyone. Just click 'E-Mail Someone!' and JavaScript will ask you for the e-mail address, subject, etc. Then, a new mail message is opened for you.

Auto Homepage

Collection of javascripts that includes Auto Homepage, Auto BookMarking, Auto Search & Error Page, Banner Killers, etc.

Automatic Pulldown Menu

Once a link within the menu is selected, the visitor is automatically taken to the website without hitting 'Go!'

Automatic Up-Top Title Bar

A unique little script that dynamically shows the date and time up top in the Title Bar of the browser.

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