If you are familiar with traditional HTML you will be
aware that it was initially created as a structural language and had
not been sufficiently developed for the making of pretty pages with
fancy fonts or texts. In all original web pages had a specific use, to
be visually appealing was not included in a websites intention until as
late as the 1990's. Achieving more visually appealing pages was a
mammoth task using traditional, basic HTML.
CSS makes creating
visually appealing pages a simplified task. CSS does not require loads
of opening and closing tags that basic HTML depends on. This allows the
webmaster to easily design page backgrounds, text fonts and many other
elements required for visually appealing web pages quickly and easily.
fact CSS has many advantages that simply website building. CSS
centralizes all commands for specific visual effects. Consider for
example that the site designer would like all bold read headings across
an entire website, CSS allows the builder to insert just one command to
continue this effect over the whole page. To achieve this effect using
basic HTML the website designer would have to include the specific
command for each of the heading inside of the site over and over again.
It the site had 50 pages; this task would have to be repeated 50 times.
creating one command rule saves time and effort. This one rule also
limits the possibility of creating errors, make the mistake once, and
find it in one place, make it a few times and you have a job on your
hands locating every instance. The word "cascading" in it refers to a
specific design a webmaster may apply to the entire website,
maintaining the common theme for all included pages. If the designer
wants a variation of page designs included in other pages of a website
they simply create further "style sheets" The two style sheets cascade
which will display the required sheet for each page of the website.
additional advantage of CSS is that it creates much small file sizes
over traditional HTML, making pages faster to load and benefiting
website owners using limited space.
Some web browsers allow
individual users to change the style of CSS pages and set pre-defined
colors making it a perfect choice for web surfers that may be visually
impaired or suffer from color blindness.
An ideal way to practice
working with CSS is use it through your regular blog. Bloggers using
Blogger, TypePad or WordPress perhaps will not see the advantages of
this, as their sites are already CSS enhanced, but do include some
wonderful tutorials and help CSS help guides.