What makes a great web design?
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March 31, 2006
I was a young and inexperienced web designer, I was once asked what
made a great web design. I blithely responded with something like
"lots of cool graphics and moving objects!" I cringe when
I remember this particularly dreadful moment in my life. My real
concern, however, is with aspiring web designers today. I am an
avid participant in online discussion forums and hear and deal with
this issue plenty.
design is a true art. Web site success stories are hatched after
strong considerations over content placement, graphics and template
design are thoroughly scrutinized. This process may (in fact, it
should) take time to complete; days, weeks and perhaps even months
depending on the complexity of the site.
question of what it takes to create a great web site must be taken
into context. Search engines, for example, most likely wish to create
a faster loading site, perhaps compromising the amount of graphics.
Media companies, however, most definitely place higher credence
on the design, including graphics and other visual enhancements.
the question here is largely subjective to the type of site it is
applied to, and I will keep these considerations very general and
appliable to all types of sites.
greatness of web design
A true
analysis of great web design should not only consist of graphics
and objects. In fact, it may be the least important issue in this
argument. Web design is great when it works for the site's purpose,
addresses customer needs well and furnishes a positive visage for
the product, service or person the site is serving.
placement plays a role into what qualifies as great design. It is
no surprise that content is placed in a prominent location on the
page, and this particular element is not the problem. Font sizes
should be kept large enough to be easily read by the Internet population
(size 2 is nice, but size 1 can be used with proper line spacing).
The text should contrast well with the background of the page. Web
designers have more freedom over font color when placed upon a white
A very
important element in web design is often overlooked when designing
a site, and that is content organization. Create major section titles
and provide all relavent content and links within those titles.
Implement a clear barrier between the major sections on the site,
and also consider placing each title on a separate page.
site, for example, I separate each major section by page. I have
placed all articles within a single page, articles.php.
Additionally, I have placed all information about this site on another,
separate page at about.php
and contact information on the contact.php
page. This schema is clear as day and easy to navigate through.
are the essence of many designs, and that is more than understandable.
Web designers should strive to keep nested tables to an absolute
minimum. Further, consider slicing your tables up, vertically. One
long table will require more load time than multiple tables will
aligned vertically.
we arrive at images, perhaps the most controversial part of web
design. Read carefully, because this is important: graphics do not
make a web design. In fact, the overuse of graphics detracts from
what the web site was built to provide. Graphics are enhancements,
not elemental objects of a web site. Use them to enhance and not
to built. A rule of thumb is to aim for a 10 second maximum load
time of any page.
from the how for a moment, let us examine the what. A good web design
includes originality. Originality requires thought, consideration
and creativity, which is what makes web design a fun endeavor for
a lot of us. Giving your visitors a unique perspective on a web
design is refreshing in this world of predictability.
a one-to-one relationship with your visitors? You may have noticed
sophisticated, database backed web site designs equipped to serve
each visitor independently. By supplying the site with your preferences,
you can alter the design, including the content and sometimes the
color, with a simple click of the mouse. This type of sophistication
is certainly not mandatory, but it does offer food for thought.
not forget coding standards
A great
web design is not just visual. It should include standard, effecient
coding practices. For example, the HTML BODY tag's deprecated attributes
"marginwidth, marginheight, leftmargin and rightmargin"
are often written within code to explicitly set the margins, in
pixels, of the web site.
CSS can be used to accomplish the same task, and the code is interpreted
like it should in all standards-compliant browsers. Setting the
margin of a web site to 0 using CSS might look something like this:
margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
is a shortcut method of writing something like this, more intuitive,
margin-top: 0px;
margin-right: 0px;
margin-bottom: 0px;
margin-left: 0px;
in PHP, instead of referencing a variable from the URL with it's
name, preceded by a dollar sign (ie: $Var), reference that variable
via PHP's superglobal array $_GET[Var] or $HTTP_GET_VARS[Var].
more information about standards in particular areas of web development,
refer to some of these particularly useful online resources:
CSS - http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/
• HTML 4.0 - http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-html40-19980424/
• General issues - http://www.alistapart.com/index.html
• PHP - http://utvikler.start.no/code/php_coding_standard.html