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Emotional Colors of the Web

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William Nabaza

William Nabaza
Nabaza.com specializes in building, designing, implementing, managing and maintaining corporate website to boost sales of your company. Email [email protected] for information on functional, dynamic webpage designing with affordable packages. Subscribe for free!

William Nabaza has written 1 articles for WebKnowHow.
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In many ways the web is the ultimate medium. It lets you communicate with anyone anywhere at anytime. We can really and safely say that the web can be the fourth medium after print, radio and television. It has since replaced the old ideas, challenge conventional wisdom, and deliver the most up-to-date, dynamic, helpful, extensive information right in your desktop literally.

Before, I have just treated the web as an electronic brochure with no power in itself to convey messages emotionally to the surfers. Now with the advent of interactivity and customization brought about by connection of database to the web, web surfers now can relate and actively experience the message.

They can "join" a community, club, post to an interactive forum and even get lost in the millions of chat rooms scattered all over the web.

On all of these events the webmaster should be the overseer who monitors every move of his web site. The modern web site has become to us a living creature and we should take our position as its creator.

We should strive to emotionally appeal to our visitors and it will be reflected in our web site. Our web site will not only deliver the goods but also provide a satisfying and rich experience that adds value to the user's life.

People are emotional beings. To reach them we must learn to convey emotions through our web site. Creativity, mailing list, rewards, online utilities, and other interactivity help promote the friendliness of the site. Imagine a web site that consists only of 3 pages -- home, products and services and contact information section will help meet the needs of a robot.

A web site that overflows with activities are very inviting to people who seek relationship (friendship, lovers and even enemies) and you don't have to invite them for more.

How can we convey the emotion?

Colors can be one. Bright colors stimulate activity and subdued colors encourage reflection. Oranges can be inspirational. Blues deliver soothing experience. Reds inspires us to do something. Corporate web sites can have the blues. "Techie" sites can adopt the black. Promotional web site can use yellows and orange.

Web Typography is very important too. Each type of font (serif, sans serif and scripted) speaks in a different tone of voice and with personality. It also adds intonation and expressiveness. A serified face is classical and conservative, sans serif are contemporary and flexible. Bold text is important and loud; italicized text an emphasized thought. More than 2 typefaces on a page looks busy and may diffuse your message as if your mixing several voices.

All of these factors combined together will make a web site to have the same impact as the most attention-grabbing billboard and the most enlightening conversation simultaneously.

Nabaza.com provides solutions to everyday webmastery task like search engine submissions, internet promotion, and sticking your visitors to your site. Become a member now for as low as U.S. $100.00 a year.

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