Dr. Robert Sullivan |
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This article is an excerpt from "The Small Business Start-Up
Guide" by Robert Sullivan, which is available in many libraries
and bookstores or may be purchased from the publisher, Information
International, Box 579, Great Falls, VA 22066, at $16.95 plus $3.50s/h.
800 375 8439. Visit "The Small Business Advisor" at http://www.isquare.com
Dr. Robert Sullivan
has written 1 articles for WebKnowHow. |
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The Internet is exploding and a lot of companies are thinking about
placing a "home page" on the World Wide Web. For maximum
impact and user friendliness, keep the following guidelines in mind
when designing your web presence.
TIME. Users will not wait. You have about 10-seconds to catch
and keep a visitor. Your home page should load quickly. Ensure this
by keeping graphics small and backgrounds simple and by using height
and width tags with every graphic. The height/width tags will force
the text to load first giving the user something to read while the
graphics load. It is also a good idea to use ALT tags with the graphic
tag so that the graphic is identified to the user while it loads.
BROWSER FRIENDLINESS. There are many different browsers in
use. Ensure your home page is friendly to all of them. Do this by
keeping your page simple and if you are using frames, tables, image
maps and other enhancements, ensure you have an alternate page available
for browsers that cannot display the enhancements.
ORGANIZED MESSAGE. The user should be immediately presented
with a description of your site ... what it's for and what's in
it. Also, make it easy for the user to navigate your site. For example,
make certain there is always an obvious way to return to the home
page from anywhere within your site.
META STATEMENTS. These html tags are used to define the name
and content of you site. Proper use of META statements will ensure
that the various search engines can find and properly index your
UPDATE FREQUENTLY. Ensure that visitors will return to your
site by constantly updating its content. The home page should include
the date your site was last revised.
GIVE SOMETHING BACK. It has become commonplace on the Internet
to give you visitors useful related information in addition to what
you are "selling." Most common example is to provide links
to other, similar sites on the Internet.
ASK FOR FEEDBACK. Make it easy for a visitor to e-mail you
If you don't understand how to implement any of the above suggestions,
either refer to one of the many excellent references on webpage
design (surf the net!) or ensure that your hired designer is aware
of them. Good luck!