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WebKnowhow Categories

CGI City

A huge resources site for CGI and Perl materials. Great for both novice and advanced web author/developers.

CGI Expert

Internet Software for Delphi and C++Builder.

CGI Factory

Message boards, scripts, banner rotator. Discussion forums here are a place to ask questions and find answers to a variety of problems.

CGI Index

The CGI Index is a fantastic directory filled with hundreds of CGI resources.

CGI Resources

Describes my instructional materials on CGI.

CGI Resources Index

Great source for CGI scripts. Over 1400 cgi resources available.


The CGI support library for Tcl programmers.

eXperimental Computing Facility

CGI Programming and You.

The Programming Pub

Open source programming and software. Forums, links, scripts, books, and searching.

Top News

Topnews.cgi gets the top ten news items from the Rueters news section at Yahoo. It can be used as SSI or stand alone CGI and can be modified without touching a cgi program. Free!



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